9 disposal, 1 disposal of the rvc, 2 disposal of the packaging – Martin Christ RVC 2-33 CDplus User Manual
Page 69
Rotational Vacuum Concentrator RVC 2-33 IR
9 Disposal
Version 08/2009, Rev. 2.1 of 02/12/2014 • sb
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 195 /20 0 Ch rist/3 70 RVC-BA (S TANDARDMODULE) /09 0 Entso rgu ng/0 90 Entso rgu ng= == === == == == === == == === == == === == == === == == == @ 26\ mo d_14 049 852 758 08_ 68.d ocx @ 187 667 @ 1 @ 1
9 Disposal
Pos: 196 /20 0 Ch rist/3 70 RVC-BA (S TANDARDMODULE) /09 0 Entso rgu ng/0 90- 001 0 Ent sor gun g des Rota tions -Vakuu m-Ko nzen trat ors @ 26 \mo d_1 404 9852 765 59_ 68.d ocx @ 187 681 @ 2 @ 1
9.1 Disposal of the RVC
Martin Christ Gefriertrocknungsanlagen GmbH is a registered manufacturer
of electric and electronic devices that are solely intended for commercial
• Comply with all local rules and regulations.
Pos: 197 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/L eerz eile @ 0\m od_ 120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 198 /20 0 Ch rist/3 70 RVC-BA (S TANDARDMODULE) /09 0 Entso rgu ng/0 90- 002 0 Ent sor gun g de r Ver packu ng @ 26\ mo d_1 4049 852 774 36_ 68.d ocx @ 187 695 @ 2 @ 1
9.2 Disposal of the packaging
• Dispose of the packaging, after having separated the individual
• Comply with all local rules and regulations.
Pos: 199 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/Absc hnittsw echsel @ 0\ mod _12 021 245 140 62_ 0.docx @ 4 18 @ @ 1
Pos: 200 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/Seit enwec hsel @ 0\m od_ 120 211 624 4312 _0. docx @ 10 5 @ @ 1