7 safety devices, 1 lid lock device, 2 system check – Martin Christ RVC 2-33 CDplus User Manual
Page 22: 3 power failure safety, 4 earth conductor check

Rotational Vacuum Concentrator RVC 2-33 IR
3 Safety
Version 08/2009, Rev. 2.1 of 02/12/2014 • sb
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 60 / 200 Christ /37 0 RVC-BA (STANDARDM ODULE)/ 030 Sich erh eit/0 30- 007 0 Sich erh eitsein richtu nge n- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- - @ 25\m od_ 140 498 501 283 0_68 .docx @ 1 868 55 @ 2 @ 1
3.7 Safety devices
Pos: 61 / 200 Christ /37 0 RVC-BA (STANDARDM ODULE)/ 030 Sich erh eit/0 30- 007 0-0 010 Deck elver rieg elung @ 2 5\m od_ 1404 985 013 844 _68. docx @ 18 686 9 @ 3 @ 1
3.7.1 Lid lock device
The RVC can only be started when the lid is properly closed. The lid can
only be opened when the rotor has stopped. If the lid is open, the RVC
cannot be started.
Pos: 62 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos: 63 / 200 Christ /37 0 RVC-BA (STANDARDM ODULE)/ 030 Sich erh eit/0 30- 007 0-0 020 Syste mkon trolle @ 2 5\m od_1 404 985 015 206 _68. docx @ 18 688 3 @ 3 @ 1
3.7.2 System check
An internal system check monitors the data transfer and sensor signals with
regard to plausibility. Errors are detected by continuous self-monitoring of
the system. Error messages are displayed in the process & equipment info
menu (see chapter - "Process and equipment information" or
chapter 7.1.1 - "Error messages").
Pos: 64 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos: 65 / 200 Christ /37 0 RVC-BA (STANDARDM ODULE)/ 030 Sich erh eit/0 30- 007 0-0 030 Netz ausf allsiche rheit (au ße r 2 -18 ) @ 2 5\m od_ 140 498 5016 253 _68 .docx @ 18 689 7 @ 3 @ 1
3.7.3 Power failure safety
The unit stores the current process parameters cyclically. In the event of a
power failure, the electromagnetic stop valve will close automatically, the
rotor chamber will be aerated by the aeration valve and the rotor
decelerates brakeless. After the restart of the power supply, the
evaporation process continues with the last stored parameters.
Pos: 66 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos: 67 / 200 Christ /37 0 RVC-BA (STANDARDM ODULE)/ 030 Sich erh eit/0 30- 007 0-0 040 Schut zleite rpr üfun g @ 25\m od_ 140 498 501 732 9_6 8.docx @ 1 869 11 @ 3 @ 1
3.7.4 Earth conductor check
For the earth conductor check, there is an equipotential bonding screw on
the rear panel of the RVC. An earth conductor check can be carried out
with the aid of a suitable measuring instrument.
Pos: 68 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Seite nwechs el @ 0 \mo d_1 202 116 244 312_ 0.d ocx @ 105 @ @ 1