Ncc errors – Echelon Neuron User Manual
Page 52

Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC Errors
Table 9 lists the NCC error codes.
Table 9. NCC Error Codes
Maximum token length exceeded [NCC#1]
Neuron C tokens are limited to a maximum of 256 characters. This applies
to identifiers, numbers, string constants, and so on. There is no limit on
the lengths of Neuron C comments.
Character in input is not acceptable for C source [NCC#2]
The Neuron C compiler uses only the minimum ANSI C standard character
set. Additionally, the characters $, @, and `(accent-grave) can be used in
string and character constants. All other non-standard characters are
treated as white space, except for ^D and ^Z. Appearance of either of these
two characters in the input file is taken to be an end-of-file marker.
Float constants are not supported [NCC#3]
Float exponent too big [NCC#4]
The 'expand_array_info' option does not apply to a msg_tag [NCC#5]
Comment not properly terminated [NCC#6]
An end-of-file condition was discovered in the middle of a comment. This is
an unterminated comment condition and is an error. The error message
contains the beginning of the comment.
Comment may not be properly terminated [NCC#7]
This warning may be useful in discovering unintentional comments in your
Neuron C program. The definition of C does not permit nesting of
comments. Any text of the form shown below is treated as a single
Note, however, that this particular pattern may indicate a condition where
there are actually two comments intended, but the first is unterminated.
Thus, the compiler detects this condition and prints a warning message.
The comment text is printed also, for up to 256 characters.
Character constant is too long [NCC#8]
Neuron C only supports single-character constants (this does not apply to
use of the \ escape character sequence).