Echelon Neuron User Manual
Page 128
Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
System timer frequency is out of range [NCC#582]
The system timer’s frequency range is 2441.406 .. 625000 Hz. A 20% error
on either end of the scale is supported (1953.1248 .. 687500Hz).
See also NCC#583.
The resulting system timer interrupt frequency will be
% from the specified frequency [NCC#583]
The periodic system timer cannot be configured for every possible value
with the supported range of 2441.406 .. 625000 Hz. Instead of requiring
that you type one of 256 possible exact frequency values, the Neuron C
compiler accepts any value (within range), and corrects it to the nearest
true frequency value.
Variations between the desired and true frequency under 1% are ignored.
The NCC#583 warning occurs if the true frequency is more than 1%
different from the value specified in source code.
The hardware timer/counter unit is already used with a different interrupt task
You cannot reuse the same hardware timer or counter with a second
interrupt task.
Nested ‘lock’ construct [NCC#585]
The Series 5000 Chips support exactly one hardware semaphore, and
constructs may not be nested, therefore.
Note this diagnostic only applies to explicit nesting. The following
hypothetical construct triggers this error:
void f(void) {
__lock {
__lock {
However, it is possible for
constructs to nest at runtime by executing
two nested functions which both implement a lock. This error condition can
only be detected at runtime; the system firmware resolves the resulting
deadlock with a watchdog timer reset, and logs a system error code.
You cannot combine a falling edge with a dual-edge triggered I/O interrupt
Debugging of optimized code is not supported and not recommended. You
should disable debugger support, or disable the optimizer [NCC#587]