Echelon Neuron User Manual
Page 110
Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
The fblock or NV context requires an index[NCC#449]
A functional block array or a network variable array used as the context
(left-hand side) of the property operator :: must have an index expression.
An entire array cannot be used in this manner, only an individual element.
The fblock array requires NV array(s) as members [NCC#450]
A functional block array declaration must have its members implemented
using network variable arrays. The network variable arrays may be larger
than the functional block array, and the indices need not be identical
(between the functional block array and the various network variable
arrays). The reference to each array network variable in the implements
statements of the member list requires a starting index as part of the
declarations in the implements statements, to identify which array element
of the network variable corresponds to the 0
array element of the
functional block. The compiler then automatically distributes the following
elements of the network variable arrays to the following elements of the
functional block array.
A ‘device_specific’ CP is required to be ‘const’ as well [NCC#451]
Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines
requires a configuration property that is declared with the device_specific
flag to also be declared const. CPs with these flags on are always read from
the device, they are considered read-only by LNS; thus the required const.
One or more code constructs have no effect and were ignored [NCC#453]
When compiling a program that is used as a model file for ShortStack,
FTXL, or
.LON SmartServer host development, the compiler could
encounter executable code or other Neuron C constructs that have no effect
for model file compilation. The construct is ignored by the compiler.
The construct is not acceptable in the current mode of operation code
Certain Neuron C features are not permitted in a program that is used as a
model file for host development with ShortStack, FTXL, or the
SmartServer. For example, the compiler directive #pragma
num_alias_table_entries is not permitted.
Consult your platform’s documentation for more information.
Cannot open NCT file [NCC#455]
The output *.NCT file (used during model file compilation) cannot be
opened. Perhaps a file already exists by that name, but it is open by
another Windows program, or it is marked read-only. Or, perhaps the
output directory does not exist.