198 motion control theory – ADLINK PCI-8258 User Manual
Page 212
Motion Control Theory
3. Reset timer continuously
After the watchdog protection mechanism is enabled, the
watchdog mechanism should be reset within timeout period
to rest the timer and retiming from beginning. In case of
timer timeout relevant events are triggered per setting given
by step 1.
Use APS_wdt_reset_counter () to reset watchdog.
• Example:
// This example shows how interrupt functions work.
I32 board_id = 0;
I32 timer_no = 0;
// Only timer 0 to be used
I32 time_out = 10;
// Time out is 10*100 ms = 1 sec
I32 EventByBit = 0x01;
// Action event is defined by bit.
// Bit0: Motor servo off
// Bit1: Digital output off
// Bit2: PWM off
I32 ret = 0;
// return code
//Step 1:
ret = APS_wdt_set_action_event( board_id, timer_no, EventByBit );
//Step 2:
ret = APS_wdt_start( board_id, timer_no, time_out );
ἧ䓐侭䘬timer炻while loop炻ㆾ侭㗗⎗⚆ㅱ溆
//Step 3:
ret = APS_wdt_reset_counter( board_id, timer_no );
…Do Something