D-Link DCS-6620G User Manual

Page 42

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DCS-6620G User’s Manual

D-Link Systems, Inc.

Using the DCS-6620G with an Internet Browser

Configuration > Advanced > Mail & FTP (continued)

FTP Settings


The domain name or IP address of external mail server.

The user name used to log into your e-mail account (e.g. jdoe
or [email protected] depending on your ISP).

The password used to log into your e-mail account. (The
password will appear as dots instead of entered characters.)

The e-mail address of recipients for snapshots or a system log
file. Multiple recipients must be separated by a semicolon “;”

The domain name or IP address of a secondary mail server
used only if the primary mail server is unreachable.

The user name for the second SMTP server.

The password used to log into the second e-mail account. (The
password will appear as dots instead of entered characters.)

The e-mail address of recipients for the secondary server.

The return e-mail address to use if the snapshot or system
log e-mail fails to send. (This address should be within the
SMTP server’s domain for authentication purposes.)

Can be other than default port 21. If you find that you want to

change the port to a port number other than 21, you will need

to specify the port when connecting to the FTP server. For

example FTP:// (if you are to use port 60 for your

FTP server port)

The domain name or IP address of the external FTP server. The

following user settings must be correctly configured for remote


The port to access the external FTP server.

Granted user name on the external FTP server.

Granted password on the external FTP server.

SMTP (mail) server 1:

SMTP account name 1:

SMTP password 1:

Recipient e-mail address 1:

SMTP(mail) server 2:

SMTP account name 2:

SMTP password 2:

Recipient e-mail address 2:

Return e-mail address:

Local FTP server port:

1st FTP server:

1st FTP server port:

1st FTP user name:

1st FTP password: