Section 9, Custom tilling tines, Troy-bilt® hiller/furrower attachment – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual
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The follow ing pages show the
optional attachm ents and accesso
ries that are available for use w ith
your tiller or pow er unit as of the
date this M anual w as printed.
P lease take a few m inutes to read
these pages. You m ay find just the
item you need to save you hours
of w ork ... or to accom plish spe
cific tasks in your garden or around
your hom e.
TROY-BILT® Hiller/Furrower Attachment
The H iller/Furrow er is our m ost
popular attachm ent because it has
so m any uses both in and out of
the garden. Featuring “instant on-
off’ versatility, the attachm ent can
be sw itched from a furrow er to a
hiller, and back again, in just
seconds— and w ithout tools. It
m ounts to the rear of the depth
regulator m ounting bracket, as
show n in Photo 9-1.
The furrow er blade can easily
be adjusted w ith the depth regula
tor to only scratch the surface for
m aking row s to plant peas, beans,
and other seeds set close to the
surface. Low er the furrow er (as
deep as 8 inches) and quickly dig
trenches for transplants like tom a
toes, celery, peppers, cabbages,
asparagus, m elons and straw
berries. You can also use the fur
row er to dig ditches for drainage
or irrigation projects, for laying
underground pipes, and for trench
com posting.
W ith the hiller w ings attached, it
can be used to cover and kill
w eeds, side-dress plants, cover
potatoes or seeds planted in a fur
row , and m ake raised bed gardens.
The hiller w ings handle row s from
30 to 40 inches apart.
9-1: Hiller/Furrower attachment.
Custom Tilling Tines
O ur standard B olo Tines do a
great job and are m ore than ade
quate for m ost TR O Y -B ILT® Tiller
ow ners. B ut if you do custom tilling
for long hours— or if your soil is
extra rocky, gritty, or sandy— you’ll
find the V 4-inch thick, hard-faced
C ustom Tilling Tines w ill be w ell
w orth the extra dollars they cost.
S ee P hoto 9-2.
M ade from a special cast, high
chrom e carbon alloy, these hard-
faced tines better resist the severe
abrasive action of rocky, gritty soil
as com pared to the standard B olo
Tines— and can last up to 2V2 tim es
The tines com e w ith easy-to-
follow assem bly instructions and
m ount to the B olo Tine holders
that cam e factory installed on your
9-2: Use Custom Tilling Tines in
tougher soils.