If the key switch doesn’t shut off the engine, Storing your tiller – Troy-Bilt 8 HP User Manual
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If the key switch doesn’t shut
off the engine
There are tw o w ays to stop the
engine on your electric start tiller:
1. M ove the throttle lever on the
handlebar to the “S TO P position.
2. Turn the key sw itch to the “O FF”
B oth m ethods stop the engine
by grounding out the ignition sys
tem . If the key sw itch doesn’t w ork,
here’s w hat to do:
A . Inspect the green w ire that
leads from the key sw itch recepta
cle to the plastic term inals show n
in Photo 6-72. P ush these term i
nals together to ensure a good
connection. N ow test if the engine
w ill stop w hen the key sw itch is
m oved to the “O FF” position. If the
engine doesn’t stop, proceed to
the next step.
B . W hile the engine is running,
unplug the receptacle from the
back of the key sw itch.
C . P lace one end of a jum per w ire
(#10 or heavier insulated w ire) into
the receptacle socket that the
green w ire goes into. Touch the
other end to the m ounting screw at
the front of the battery hold-dow n
clam p (P hoto 6-73). If the engine
stops, then the key sw itch is faulty.
If it doesn’t stop, then you m ay
have a break som ew here in the
green w ire (call us if you suspect
this is the problem ).
D . To check the key sw itch, re
m ove it from its m ounting bracket
w ith large pliers or a % -inch
w rench. To shut the engine off, the
w asher underneath the nut m ust
be contacting bare m etal. If the
key sw itch decal is blocking that
m etal-to-m etal contact, scrape
som e of the decal aw ay so that
good contact is m ade. R einstall
the sw itch and check it to m ake
sure that it w ill now shut the engine
off. If the sw itch still doesn’t w ork,
contact us for further advice.
6-72: Make sure plastic terminals are
connected securely.
6-73: Run jumper wire from single
hole (for green wire) in receptacle to
screw that secures hold-down clamp
to battery bracket.
Storing your tiller
W hen your tiller w on’t be used
for a long period of tim e, you
should protect it from deterioration
by follow ing these sim ple steps.
1. C lean the tiller and the engine.
P erform routine tiller lubrication
and check for loose bolts and nuts.
3. R un the engine until all of the
gasoline is used up. A void leaving
gasoline in the fuel tank for long
periods of tim e as it can form gum
deposits that w ill foul the carbure
tor and fuel lines.
4. W hile the engine is still w arm ,
drain the engine crankcase oil.
R efill w ith fresh oil.
To protect the engine’s cylinder
against rust, rem ove the spark plug
and pour one ounce of clean en
gine oil into the spark plug hole.
P ull the recoil rope slow ly 2 or 3
tim es to distribute the oil (avoid oil
spray from the spark plug hole
w hen cranking the engine over
slow ly) and then replace the plug.
D o not reconnect the spark plug
w ire to the plug. N ow , slow ly pull
the rope until you feel resistance;
then let it rew ind. A t this point, the
valves are seated, w hich w ill help
to prevent rust from form ing in the
cylinder or the valve seats.
C harge the battery on electric
start m odels and store it in a cool,
dry place.
7. P lace the W heels/Tines/P TO
D rive Lever in “N EU TR A L” and
store the tiller in a clean, dry place.
8. N ever store m achine w ith fuel
in the fuel tank inside a building
w here fum es m ay reach an open
flam e or spark, or w here ignition
sources are present (such as hot
w ater and space heaters, furnaces,
clothes dryers, stoves, electric
m otors, etc.)
R em em ber— this is a good tim e
to order replacem ent parts for the
next tilling season.