Software guide – Asus P/I-P55SP3AV User Manual
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Software Guide
2. Make sure the CPU is running in 'real mode'.
FMW will not run if the CPU is operating in protected or vir
tual mode. This means that you can not run it with Windows
rurming or with any memory manager software (including
HIMEM.SYS). You must disable any memory manager soft
ware first. The easiest way to do this is to:
a. Boot your system from a bootable floppy disk with no
config.sys or autoexec.bat files and then run Flash Memory
Writer from a backup copy of your support disk. You can make
your back-up floppy bootable when you format it, and use one
disk for both purposes.
b. If you are using MS-DOS 6.x, you can use the feature that
allows you to confirm or abort each line of these files. You do
this by pressing
the screen. If you are running Windows 95, shut down and
select the shut-down option to restart your computer in MS-
DOS mode. You will still need to disable the autoexec.bat and
config.sys files if you have any set to run in DOS-only mode.
There are other ways to accomplish the same result. The main
point is to make sure no memory managers are running. If you aren't
sure, try running FMW. If it runs, you've succeeded. If it displays a
warning message about the CPU mode, you'll have to try again.
Once you've satisfied the two requirements mentioned above,
you can run FMW. You can copy the contents of the "Flash" directory
to your hard disk drive, or you can rim the utility from a backup of
the support floppy disk. Make sure the new BIOS file is in the same
directory as the FMW utility. To run FMW, switch to the "Flash" di
rectory if you're not already in it. Type 'PFLASH' at the DOS prompt
and press the
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