LAARS NeoTherm LC NTV1700 - Install and Operating Manual User Manual
Page 80

LAARS Heating Systems
Page 76
• Turn off the call for heat, and set both
burners to run at 1200 RPM for low fire. Turn
on the call for heat, and check the performance
20. If the CO
doesn’t track between the correct
limits, there is a possibility that one of the
burners has not been set up correctly. If
this occurs, repeat the setup procedure to
confirm that each burner is set up correctly.
If this condition persists, call the factory for
assistance. Before calling, be prepared to
supply the factory with the conditions at the
site where the boiler is installed - for example,
vent lengths, gas supply pressures with all
boilers operating, CO
and CO for each burner
individually and together, etc. Be able to
describe the ignition characteristics and the
color of the flame seen through the sight glass
of each burner.
21. When troubleshooting a burner setup, it is
sometimes helpful to watch the pressure
differential between the gas inlet and outlet.
To measure this, install a differential pressure
gauge capable of reading negative 0.01 inches
W.C. (0.002kPa). Attach the gauge to the
positive and negative ports shown in Fig. 104.
When the testing is complete, remove the
pressure gauge, and plug the ports. Repeat the
test setup on each burner.
Job P - Setting the Date and Time on the
System Display
(This is a Lead/Lag function – do this once for the whole Lead/
Lag system. Use the controller set up as the Lead/Lag Master –
usually the Primary controller on Boiler 1.)
The display acting as the Lead/Lag Master includes
an internal clock, which keeps track of the date and
time. This setting is important, because all of the
log entries for any Lockouts and Alerts include time
listings. If the Date and Time setting for the Lead/
Lag Master is not correct, the listings in the Lockout
and Alert logs will be incorrect.
The current version of the display does not include a
battery backup. This means that, if the boiler which
includes the display loses power, the Date and Time
setting for the system will be lost. (Any Faults or
Alerts recorded before the boiler lost power will
have the correct date and time listed.)
For this reason, it is important that you set the Date
and Time in two situations:
• When you first set up the Lead/Lag system.
• After each occasion when the power to the
boiler is interrupted.
Here is the procedure:
1. Start at the ‘home’ screen.
Fig. 107 – ‘home’ screen
2. Press the Setup button. The system will
present the Setup screen.
Fig. 108 – Setup Screen
3. Press the Display Setup button. The Display
Setup screen is shown in Fig. 106.
Fig. 109 – Display Setup Screen