LAARS NeoTherm LC NTV1700 - Install and Operating Manual User Manual

Page 79

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NeoTherm LC Boilers and Water Heaters

Page 75

turn the High Fire adjustment screw counter-

clockwise. To lower the high fire CO



turn the screw clockwise.

(Make the adjustment in small steps of 1/8

turn to avoid “overshooting” the correct

setting. The valve is built with a bit of

“backlash.” This makes it appear that

changing the adjustment does not change

the CO


level when you first stop turning the

control in one direction, and start turning it the

other way. Once the backlash has been taken

up, the control will be quite sensitive.)

14. Repeat step 13, except this time set the fan

speed RPM to 1200rpm. (Again, the actual

RPM will not go this low – the control will

limit the fan speed to the minimum set at the

factory.) This will force the boiler to operate

in low fire. Adjust the Low Fire screw so the



is 0.5% lower than the high fire CO



To raise the low fire CO


, turn the Low Fire

adjustment screw clockwise. To lower the low

fire CO


, turn the screw counter-clockwise.

15. The adjustment you made for the Low Fire

setting could affect the High Fire setting, so

you need to re-check the High Fire setting.

Go back to the Operations screen and set the

Firing Rate back to 8000 RPM. The CO


should still be about at the level listed in Table

17. If the CO


is not correct, repeat the steps

listed above.

16. Set the Firing Rate back to 1200 RPM, and re-

check the CO


during Low Fire.

17. Once the CO


values are correct for both High

Fire and Low Fire, go back to the Operation

screen and select Automatic operation. At this

point, you have set up the Primary burner for

this boiler.

18. Now you can do the same setup for the

Secondary burner on this boiler. To do this,

you need to shut off the Primary burner. On

the Secondary control, you set the High and

Low Fire RPM and check the CO


output for

each condition. We will review the process

quickly here:

• On the ‘home’ screen, press the icon for the

Primary controller.

• On the Status Summary screen, press the

Operation button.

• On the Operation screen, turn off the

Primary burner by pressing the Operation

Enable button.

• On the ‘home’ screen, press the icon for the

Secondary controller.

• On the Status Summary screen, press the

Operation button.

• On the Operation screen for the Secondary

burner, press the yellow box for the Firing

Rate. Login using the installer-level password,

then press OK.

• Now you can change the Firing Rate entry

for the Secondary burner. Enter 8000 RPM

for the High Fire value. Adjust the High Fire

screw to get the CO


level listed in Table 17.

• Set the Firing Rate to 1200rpm. Adjust the

Low Fire screw so the CO


level reaches the



level listed in Table 17.

• Re-check the High Fire setting at 8000



should still be about 8.5% or

9.0%, depending on the model size.

• Re-check the CO


during Low Fire at 1200


• Once the CO


values are correct for both

High Fire and Low Fire, go back to the

Operation screen for the Secondary burner

and select Automatic operation. At this point,

you have set up the Secondary burner for this


• Go back to the ‘home’ screen and press the

icon for the Primary control. On the Status

Summary screen, press the Operation button.

On the Operation screen, press the Burner

button to turn on the Primary burner.

19. Once both burners are set up properly, operate

both burners together as described below, and

check the CO


levels with the unit operating at

high fire and at low fire. The final CO



at high fire should be as listed in Table 17

±0.2%. At low fire, the CO


should be about

0.5% lower than the high fire CO



(The offset is more important than the actual




Monitor the CO


and CO levels for one

complete operating cycle. The CO should

never be more than 150 ppm. The CO



should also track between the high and low

limits listed in the table.

Setting the fan speed RPMs for both burners

operating together -

• It is important that both burners operate at

the same fan speed. Before changing the fan

speeds, turn off the call for heat.

• Set the fan speed for each burner separately,

using the procedure we described earlier -

steps 6 though 11 for the Primary burner, and

step 18 for the Secondary burner. On each

burner, enter a value of 8000 RPM for the high

fire test.

• Once you have set both burners to run at

8000 RPM, turn on the call for heat, and check

the results as described above.