Juniper Systems Juniper Aspect User Manual
Page 48

Juniper Aspect Owner’s Manual
of the screen. See the chart that follows for descriptions
of these functions.
Object, New: add a new object to the
selected object type. Select an object type
from the database first by dropping down the
Object Types list. The new object will be auto
selected in the grid view and object view
Object, Delete: delete the currently selected
object from the object list. Select an object
to delete and click on the delete button. (The
object that is selected to be deleted is shown
in the object view in the bottom right box.)
Object Type, New: add a new object type to
the existing database. A dialog box comes
up called “Add New Object Type.” Fill in the
name, geometry type, and catalog attributes.
Object Type, Delete: deletes an object type
and all associated objects. Warning: there is
no undo option when you delete an object
Import, From File: Import an existing object
database from a CSV file.
Export, To File: Exports the selected database
to a CSV file.
There are two sections to the Manage Object Catalog
screen: Object Type and Objects.