Managing data and creating maps and reports, Managing data and creating maps and, Reports – Juniper Systems Juniper Aspect User Manual

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Ch 2 Overview of Planning and Implementation


2. Map the location of objects and coverage areas

based on the training given to you by the project


3. Edit map data in the field if appropriate.
4. Add new objects or projects on the fly if appropriate.
5. Make notes as requested.
6. Once map data is collected and the defined time to

synchronize it with the desktop computer has come,

give the mobile computer(s) to the project manager.

The project might be set up so you synchronize data


7. Depending on the workflow plan, the data collection

process could be repeated for the project you are

working on or a new project.

Managing Data and Creating Maps and Reports

Collected data can be edited on the desktop computer

by the project manager after it is uploaded or on the

fly by the mobile worker on the mobile computer. The

process will be similar to the following:
1. Edit maps for final presentation. The system allows

you to manipulate the data in each layer, including:

changing objects, changing labels and label colors,

correcting errors, moving lines, moving points, and

adjusting polygons.

2. Create an inventory list of system components to

accompany maps that are created in the editing

function. These reports include all objects shown on

that particular map.

3. Provide the client or agency with electronic and

hard copies of the entire system, including maps,

component lists and photographs if they exist.

4. Store digital project files for future updating and
