Futaba 10C 2.4GHz User Manual
Page 105
idle-up 2, idle-up 3, throttle hold).
Adjustability: FRQWUROLVGH¿QHGDVWKHULJKWVLGHOHYHUDWLQLWLDOVHWWLQJ • The conditions are activated in the CONDITION SELECT function (p.100). use that amount of adjustment. Allows easy use of the trimming knobs for GOAL of EXAMPLE: STEPS: INPUTS: Set up a high pitch curve in the idle-up 6WRUHQHZVHWWLQJVDIWHUÀLJKW Open the HI/LO-PIT function. for 1 second. (If BASIC, again.) C to HI/LO-PIT. Select the idle-up 1 condition. C to NORM. to IDL1. Set the rate. (Ex: 80%) C to HI-PIT. to 80%. Optional: change which knob adjusts C to VR. to desired knob and direction. Store the current dial settings prior to C to HI-PIT. for one second to store. or VR(E) to center. Close. Where next? PIT-CURVE : see p. 100. HOV-PIT : see p. 104.
• Both adjustments may be set to MANUAL, temporarily turning off the knob.
• Adjustments may be memorized and then return the knobs to center point to
multiple models.
1 condition.
high pitch curve.
selecting another model.