Vlan port configuration – Comtrol ES7528 User Manual
Page 93

RocketLinx ES7528 User Guide: 2000509 Rev. C
VLAN Port Configuration - 93
Configuration Using the Web Interface
VLAN Port Configuration
The VLAN Port Configuration page allows you to configure VLAN port parameters on a specific port. These
parameters include the port VLAN ID (PVID), Tunnel Mode, Accept Frame Type and Ingress Filtering
VLAN Port Configuration Page
Enter the port VLAN ID (PVID). The PVID allows the switches to identify which port
belongs to which VLAN. To keep things simple, it is recommended that PVID is
equivalent to VLAN IDs. The values of PVIDs are from 0 to 4,095 (0 and 4,095 are
reserved), 1 is the default value; 2 to 4,094 are valid and available in this column. Enter
the PVID you want to configure.
Tunnel Mode
None - IEEE 802.1Q tunnel mode is disabled.
802.1Q Tunnel: QinQ is applied to the ports which connect to the C-VLAN. The port
receives a tagged frame from the C-VLAN. You need to add a new tag (Port VID) as an S-
VLAN VID. When the packets are forwarded to the C-VLAN, the S-VLAN tag is
removed. After 802.1Q Tunnel mode is assigned to a port, the egress setting of the port
should be Untag, it indicates that the egress packet is always untagged. This is
configured in the Static VLAN Configuration table (
802.1Q Tunnel Uplink: QinQ is applied to the ports which connect to the S-VLAN. The
port receives a tagged frame from the S-VLAN. When the packets are forwarded to the
S-VLAN, the S-VLAN tag is kept. After 802.1Q Tunnel Uplink mode is assigned to a port,
the egress setting of the port should be Tag, it indicates that the egress packet is always
tagged. This is configured in the Static VLAN Configuration table (
). For
example, if the VID of S-VLAN/Tunnel Uplink is 10, the VID of C-VLAN/Tunnel is 5.
The 802.1Q Tunnel port receives Tag 5 from C-VLAN and adds Tag 10 to the packet.
When the packets are forwarded to S-VLAN, Tag 10 is kept.
This allows you to define the EtherType manually. This is an advanced QinQ parameter
that allows you to define the transmission packet type.
Accept Frame
This defines the accepted frame type of the port. There are two modes you can select:
Admit All mode means that the port can accept both tagged and untagged packets.
When you select Admit All, untagged frames or Priority-Tagged only frames received
on this port are accepted and assigned to the PVID for this frame. This control does
not affect VLAN independent BPDU frames, such as Super Ring, STP, GVRP and
LACP. It does affect VLAN dependent BPDU frames, such as GMRP.
Tag Only mode means that the port can only accept tagged packets.When you select
Tag Only the ES7528 discards untagged frames or Priority-Tagged only frames
received on this port.