Carrier 17/19EX User Manual
Page 92

automatic reset to the set point based on a temperature sensor wired to the number one 8-
input module (see wiring diagrams or certified drawings).
The temperature sensor must be wired to terminal J1-19 and J1-20.
To configure Reset Type 2, enter the temperature of the remote sensor at the point where
no temperature reset will occur. Next, enter the temperature at which the full amount of
reset will occur. Then, enter the maximum amount of reset required to operate the machine.
Reset Type 2 can now be activated.
3. Reset Type 3 — Automatic chilled water temperature reset based on cooler temperature
difference. This type of reset will add ±30° F (±16° C) based on the temperature difference
between entering and leaving chilled water temperature. This is the only type of reset
available without the need of the number one 8-input module. No wiring is required for this
type as it already uses the cooler water sensors.
To configure Reset Type 3, enter the chilled water temperature difference (the difference
between entering and leaving chilled water) at which no temperature reset occurs. This
chilled water temperature difference is usually the full design load temperature difference.
The difference in chilled water temperature at which the full amount of reset will occur is
now entered on the next input line. Next, the amount of reset is entered. Reset Type 3 can
now be activated.