ALTANA Haze-Gard Dual User Manual

Page 23

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Additional Standards for
Monitoring Test Equipment

To check that the measurement de-
vice is working correctly, measure-
ments should be performed at regu-
lar intervals with special test stan-
dards. The appropriate test stan-
dards are listed in the Ordering
Guide. The displayed readings
should fall within the specified
values for the standard. If they do
not, check that the standard was
clean and that the device was
correctly calibrated. If cleaning the
standard and recalibration do not
correct the error, please contact
Customer Service. For information
about cleaning the device, see
Chapter 6.7.


Monitoring Test Equipment

Under normal laboratory conditions
and careful handling, an interval of
one month is recommended for the
monitoring of test equipment. If
measuring conditions necessitate
more frequent monitoring of the
equipment, two sets of haze stan-
dards should be used:

1. Working Standards

Any material that is suitably homo-
genous and stable can be used for
routine testing. The working stan-
dards are based on primary stan-

2. Primary Standards

The primary standards are not in-
tended for daily monitoring but ex-
clusively as reference material for
the checking of working standards.
Primary standards should be used
as little as possible due to the risk of
damage. The manufacturer’s ori-
ginal standards must be used to
guarantee accurate calibration.


Storing and Handling

The precision of measurements can
be considerably impaired by the use
of damaged or dirty standards.
Please ensure that standards are
clean and unscratched. The stan-
dard surfaces are very sensitive.
Therefore, you must not touch the
standard surface and protect it
against scratching (store in a secure
iplace). For instructions on the
cleaning of standards, see Chapter
6.7. The standards must not be
exposed to direct sunlight or be
stored in a dirty or dusty environ-
ment. Contact with chemicals and
aggressive vapors must also be

6 Calibration


Storing and Handling

The precision of measurements can
be considerably impaired by the use
of damaged or dirty standards.
Please ensure that standards are
clean and unscratched. The stan-
dard surfaces are very sensitive.
Therefore, you must not touch the
standard surface and protect it
against scratching (store in a secure
iplace). For instructions on the
cleaning of standards, see Chapter
6.7. The standards must not be
exposed to direct sunlight or be
stored in a dirty or dusty environ-
ment. Contact with chemicals and
aggressive vapors must also be