ALTANA Micro-Wave-Scan Manual User Manual

Page 43

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11. Memory

In the Memory menu you can create new

memories with a configuration according to

specific needs (e.g. scales, statistics). Also,

the configuration of existing memories can be

changed. Memories which are no longer needed,

will be deleted with the function “Config Delete”.

Additionally, the menu allows to recall or delete a

measured test series.

11.1 Configuration New

After selecting this menu item, you will be

prompted to enter a name for the new Memory

(Parameter 1).

Enter a name by using the scroll wheel. When

finished, press the “operate” button.
A display appears to check and confirm the entries.

The next step allows to copy the configuration

from an existing Memory or Organizer. Select the

desired entry from the list.

A menu will then appear with the copied

configuration for the new Memory.

To change the settings, refer to chapter 9 and 10.

To exit the menu, activate the arrow at the top of

the list. A confirmation display appears to complete

the creation of a new memory. The display now

returns to the Memory menu.