2 monitoring and configuration only, 3 aerco bms ii/acs modbus control and monitoring, 4 modbus remote setpoint control and monitoring – AERCO Modulex E8 Controls Guide User Manual

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Modulex E8 Controller and BCM

Operations and Maintenance Manual


AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Dr. • Blauvelt, NY 10913 • Ph: 800-526- 0288

7.7.2 Monitoring and Configuration Only

For monitoring and configuration only, set the 3-position switch to position II when the E8 is

controlling the boiler. The boiler operation can be monitored via the Modbus terminals.

7.7.3 AERCO BMS II/ACS Modbus Control and Monitoring

The BCM’s modulation output can be controlled by writing to its requested modulation level

register (Standard Holding Register or Control Register #1). It will ramp up the boiler based on

the settings in the Standard Holding Register or Setting Register 3000 to 3015. The default

maximum setpoint temperature limit is 180°F as shown in register 3015. This value should not

be increased, if possible. The default timeout interval is 30 seconds as shown in register 3011.

7.7.4 Modbus Remote Setpoint Control and Monitoring

To send a setpoint temperature to the BCM and have it control the boiler based on its internal

settings, 3 registers need to be adjusted:

the desired setpoint should be written to the Requested Setpoint (Address 1004) in the

Standard holding Registers or Control Registers. This value should be written at least 3

times within the Communication Timeout time (Address 3011).

The Heat Request Command (Control Register Address 1021) should be set to 0xEE

(238) to request heat.

If the modulation level should be allowed to go above 50%, adjust the Maximum

Modulation Level setting (Address 1017).


If power is lost, all Control Register settings return to their default

values. Be sure to read them regularly and refresh if necessary.

The changes to the Settings Registers are stored during power-


7.7.5 EMS or BAS Set-Up As Master to BCM Controller Slaves

Refer to the set-up instructions in the manufacturer’s equipment manual for the Energy

Management System (EMS) or Building Automation System (BAS) being used as the controlling


7.8 Multiple Modulex Boiler Heating Mode – Utilizing a BMS II or ACS

Multiple Modulex boiler plants are the ultimate energy conversion for building space heating. By

modulating input at extremely high combustion efficiency, there is no wasted energy from

overshoot. A multiple Modulex boiler plant offers inherent standby protection and ease of

installation along with longevity.
In a multiple boiler plant of over two boilers, the use of an AERCO Boiler Management System II

(BMS II) Model 5R5-384/AERCO Control System (ACS) is recommended for maximum

efficiency and flexibility of operator control. The BMS II/ACS has the capability of controlling up

to 32 boilers as well as auxiliary equipment. The BMS II/ACS system has an Internal Plant Start

adjustment that can be set from 32°F to 100°F outdoor air temperature. When the boiler plant is

activated, the system pump should be started simultaneously. This can be controlled from