Displaying the static and dynamic arp tables, Static arp table," and press

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N525 Ethernet Termination Service Unit


3. To display the Raw information, press .

4. To reset the counters, press .

5. When you finish checking the statistics, press to return to the Main Menu.

Displaying the Static and Dynamic ARP Tables

The Static ARP Table lets you manually configure or change specific IP and MAC addresses.
The Dynamic ARP table displays learned IP and MAC addresses and allows deletion of specific
address from the Table. Address are displayed by the N525 port (User for Extension) that the
Address is received.

To view, set, or remove a static ARP address, follow these steps:

1. From the Utilities Menu, type [


], "Static ARP Table," and press .

-------------------------RMON GROUP 1 STATISTICS (RAW)--------------------------
Local Local Remote
User Port Ext Port Offline

Link State UP UP
Speed/Duplex 100M/HALF 1000M/FULL

Packets Rcvd 3027182 220958
Octets Rcvd 347257768 14152582
Broadcasts Rcvd 2742600 0

Multicasts Rcvd 152309 220385
Pkts 64 2376564 220713
Pkts 65-127 109331 245

Pkts 128-255 45618 0
Pkts 256-511 495614 0
Pkts 512-1023 51 0

Pkts 1024-1518 4 0

Last Counter Reset: 2 days 13:27:41

Select [(M) More, (CTRL-T) Current Counters]:

------------------------------------STATIC ARP TABLE----------------------------

IP Address MAC Address Port

---------- ----------- ----

Add or Delete an entry (1=Add, 2=Delete from table):
