CANOGA PERKINS N525 Ethernet Termination Service Unit User Manual

Page 40

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N525 Ethernet Termination Service Unit

c. sntp Client Sync Interval (minutes):

Set how often, in minutes, that the N525 tries to synchronize its time to the SNTP
server; Range is 0 (attempt to synchronize at bootup, only) to 1440 (once daily)

d. sntp Servers Configuration:

Sets IP address and operating parameters for 2 servers

• IP Address: Set the address for the SNTP server. indicates no


• Retries: How many times the N525 tries to synchronize before trying the

alternate server or giving up. Range is 0 to 10

• Timeout (seconds): Wait period between unsuccessful attempts. Range is

1 to 30

• Priority: Set which server to contact first. Range is 1 to 255 with 1 the

highest priority and 255 the lowest. If the priority is the same for the two
servers, the N525 alternates tries between the servers.

3. To return to the Main Menu, press .

To manually set the date and time, follow these steps:

1. From the Main Menu, type [


], "Utilities," and press .

2. At the Utilities Menu, type [


], "Set Date and Time" and press .

3. At the prompt to enter the current date and time, type the current information in


format, then press .

4. To return to the Main Menu, press .


1) Set Date and Time

2) Reset Configuration To Default
3) Change Password
4) VT100 Baud Rate 9600

5) Slip/PPP Baud Rate 19200
6) PING Generation
7) Static ARP Table

8) Dynamic ARP Table
9) License Manager

Select [1-9]:
