Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual
Page 96

The Select Accounts for Statements table allows you to select which
accounts to bill. You have three options for choosing which accounts to
Select an individual customer account by clicking the account.
Select a range of accounts. Hold the Shift key on the keyboard
while selecting continuous customer accounts in a row.
Select accounts. Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard, while selecting
discontinuous customer accounts.
Click Select All to select every account in the database.
If there are accounts that TransAct should bill, you should mark them as Not
Billed in the Accounting Info section of the Customer Accounting table.
Note: TransAct will not process accounts marked as Not Billed.
Once you have selected the accounts, click Done.
When previewing statements, use the navigation buttons at the top of the
screen to view the statements.
View Statements Window Buttons
Magnify/shrink statement size
View the first statement
View the previous statement
View the next statement
View the last statement
Stop generating statements
Print the statement
Complete statement processing by moving to another portion of the
program, such as the Weigh form. After clicking on any button in the
toolbar, the following message appears: At this point you must decide if you
would like to mark the transactions that appeared on this invoice, update
previous balance and generate finance charges. Typically, if all invoices
have printed successfully, you would answer yes.
Would you like to mark transactions, update previous balances and generate
finance charges?