Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual
Page 117

you would like it to appear in the program. Do not leave any spaces.
[Category 2]
Position the cursor after SubCat1= and enter the specific subcategory items
(each location) enclosed in parentheses. It is important not to leave spaces
(except as previously noted) or you will receive an error when running
TransAct. Within the parentheses, each location must have a sequential
number starting with 0, unlike the main category where TransAct
automatically defines a “none” category item. In subcategories, you must
define None as a subcategory item if desired. All subcategory items must
fit on one line. The screen will scroll to the right as you type. If it wraps to
the next line, you’ve gone too far.
[Category 2]
SubCat1=(0,In Landfill)(1,Out Landfill)(2,None)
Save the file and Exit Notepad. If you did not quit TransAct before making
changes to the .ini file, do so now. The changes made to the .ini file will take
effect when you reopen TransAct. When you return to TransAct and select
Admin… | Categories | Refuse your new Location subcategory heading
appears as a drop-down list so you can select the location where your refuse
12.2.8 [Indicator Types]
TransAct has provided several scale indicator types with the program. The
[Indicator Types]
section is a listing of the indicator name and a series
of codes that define the indicators serial data stream to TransAct.
Do not
change the data in these fields! If your indicator is not listed, please call your
dealer or the TransAct customer support line for assistance setting up your
12.2.9 [Scale Settings]
We do not recommend using the [Scale Settings] section to change your scale port
settings. You can change and test all of the items while running the TransAct
program. Select Admin… | Preferences | Scale Port and select the scale