Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual

Page 65

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Note: Once you are in the final Transaction Detail screen, you cannot update
a tare.

The table uses the descriptions you assigned to each tare field. For example,
Truck = Tare1, Container = Tare2, and Pup Trailer = Tare3. If you do not
use a tare field, the button is disabled.

To select a different ticket format file for the current transaction,
use the single down arrow to the right of the Ticket Format File box.
Once the transaction is complete, TransAct restores the default
ticket file specified in Preferences.

You can manually create a custom Ticket Format File with any text
editor (such as Windows Notepad or Dos Editor). See Section 12.4
for more information on editing a ticket file.

Returning to the Weigh Form

Click the Done button to save the settings selected in
Options before returning to the Weigh form.


Update Tares Button

Update Tares… allows you to update stored tare weights while the truck
is on the scale. TransAct only allows you to update tares at the beginning
of the transaction so that it can overwrite a previously-stored tare (that for
whatever reason is now incorrect) with the actual weight from the scale.

To add or update a tare, wait for the motion indicator to clear. Click Update
to access the Update Tares Table (below).