Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual
Page 31

The Permits window shows the information for the first permit in the permit
table. If there are currently no permits, the Permit window shows a Permit
Number of 0 and all fields are blank.
Click New to create a new permit from a blank table.
The Permit window contains the following items.
Permit Number
The Permit Number can be up to 9 digits.
Permit Name
The Name can be up to 40 characters.
Customer Account
Click on the single down arrow to the right of the Customer
Account field. Point and click to select the desired Customer
Account from the drop-down list.
Addresses, Phone, Memo, License Number, License Plate
Optional fields.
Note: The first character of a driver’s license entry
must be a letter.
The Memo field allows for up to 40 characters.
Issue Date
The date the permit was issued. To set a new issue date, click inside
the date box and enter the new date, or use the Calendar button. See
Section 5.0 for assistance.
The permit expiration date. To set a new expiration date, click
inside the date box and enter the new date, or use the Calendar
button (see Section 5.0 for assistance). Note: If you do not set a
specific expiration date, the permit will never expire.
Click the single down arrow next to the Status option to set a permit as Valid
or Invalid. When a permit expires, or is invalid, TransAct warns the operator
at the start of the transaction. Only a system administrator or supervisor can
renew or validate a permit.
Click Save to save a permit.
Note: The system warns you if you make
changes and try to continue without clicking Save.