Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual
Page 130

local copy of the database whenever you change the database, i.e. customer
information, rates, job table, etc. Use the TransAct backup utilities to
“copy” the database to the local hard drive. Select Admin
Backup to access the backup function. Select drive C and the TransAct
subdirectory. Enter a meaningful file name (up to 8 characters), then click
the Backup button. This ensures that you will access the most current
changes if the network is down.
12.5.3 Error Messages
The following is a list of sharing violations that you may encounter when
sharing the database on a network.
Error 3197—The following error occurred while attempting to
update record.
The error occurs when another user updates the record you are viewing.
Click OK to continue and view the updated record. Enter your changes and
click Save. You may see this error when editing any table such as Customer
Accounts, Permits, Categories, etc.
Example: User A is updating addresses for Customer Accounts and User B
is updating zip codes for Customer Accounts. User A and User B select
Account #3 at the same time. User A updates the address and clicks Save.
User B's screen does not change. User B enters the correct zip code for
Account #3 and clicks the Save button. TransAct prompts: The following
error occurred while attempting to update record. Error 3197: Another user
has updated this record since your read. Your update will be lost.
When User B clicks OK to clear the message, the updated record (with User
A's changes) appears. User B can then continue making changes to the zip
code for Account #3, then click Save.
Error 3167—The following error occurred while attempting to
move to record.
This error occurs when a user deletes a record you are trying to view using
the navigation buttons. Click OK to clear the message. You will continue
to see this message until the table is refreshed. To refresh a table, reselect
the table.
Example: User A and User B open the Customer Account table at the same
time. User A deletes Account #16. User B clicks Next to move through the
table. When User B gets to the point where Account #16 used to be, the
following message appears: The following error occurred while attempting
to move to record.