Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual

Page 56

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The data terminal you are interfacing with the computer should be listed
under Connector.

Use the Test button to send data to the device and view what is being sent
back to the computer. A window appears displaying boxes for Unit, Data
Received, and Data To Send. Click the Done button when testing is



The tickets section lets you reset the ticket number, receipt number, invoice
number, and select the default ticket file.

If you wish to change the appearance of printed tickets from the format
specified in the default ticket file, you need to access the TransAct
initialization file in your computer hard drive. Only the system administrator
should perform this procedure. See Section 12.4 for more information on
changing the ticket format.

To reset any of the above items, select Admin…



Tickets to access the Tickets window (below).

Press the Tab key to move from field to field or click inside a box, then enter
the change.

Click Save to save the changes.

Click Undo to undo any unsaved changes.

Note: TransAct prints tickets according to the format established in the
default.gtk file stored in your computer hard drive. The default ticket has the
format shown on the top of the next page.

See Section 12.4 to learn more about editing the ticket file and to see an
example default ticket.