Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual
Page 116

installed, you need an additional category called Area. You can configure
up to two additional categories, but we’ll only use one for this example. It
doesn’t matter which empty category you choose to edit.
We’ll use Category 2 for our example. Run the Notepad program found in
the Windows Accessories group. Select File | Open. Find transact.ini in the
Windows subdirectory and open the file. Scroll through the text until you
find the following lines.
[Category 2]
Position the cursor after
and type the word Area, just as you would
like it displayed in TransAct.
Save the file and exit Notepad. If you did not quit TransAct before making
changes to the .ini file, do so now. The changes made to the .ini file will take
effect when you reopen TransAct. When you return to TransAct and select
Admin… | Categories, your new category heading appears in the menu.
Select your new Area category to begin adding items.
Example 3: Adding Multiple Sub-Categories
You can add two subcategories to each main category. We’ll add two
subcategories to the Refuse category in the following example.
Different types of Refuse may go into specific locations within a landfill
operation, and you may wish to track refuse going to those different
locations. One of the subcategories then under Refuse could be Location.
When you use subcategories in this manner, it will help to create more
detailed reports.
To setup a subcategory, run Notepad found in the Windows Accessories
group. Select File | Open. Find transact.ini in the Windows subdirectory and
open the file. Scroll through the text until you find the following lines:
[Category 2]
Position the cursor after
and enter the word Location as