2 creating a customer database – Rice Lake TransAct 2.0 User Manual
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the license agreement, select File | Exit to quit Write and continue with
After reading the license agreement you must choose to accept the agreement
before continuing. Click Accept Agreement to continue.
If you select Reject Agreement, TransAct closes and returns you to the
Program Manager.
Creating a Customer Database
The final step before using TransAct is to create the customer database.
After accepting the license agreement, TransAct asks if you wish to build
a database. This database provides the forms on which you will enter your
customer accounts and other data.
Click Start Build. Another message appears, asking if you would like your
database to contain sample information.
If you have never used a data management program like TransAct, we
recommend installing this sample database to help you to learn how to use
the program. The sample database contains fictitious customer accounts,
trucks, and transactions. Once you are familiar with the program, you can
overwrite or delete all of the information in the sample database and enter
your own information.
Click Yes to install the sample database.
Click No to install an empty database.
If you click Yes to install the sample database. A TransAct Database Utility
screen appears with a bar graphic to monitor the progress of the database
When the database installation is 100% complete, a message with a single
OK button appears to signal a successful installation.
When you are familiar with the program, you can delete or overwrite the
sample database information. Rather than overwriting each fictitious
customer account in the sample database with your actual customer accounts,
we recommend that you quit TransAct, then delete (uninstall) the entire
TransAct program. The Uninstall program finds and deletes all TransAct
files in your system.
Note: The Uninstall program does not delete the
categories or customer account files. You must manually delete these files.
With a “clean slate,” you can then reinstall TransAct onto your system. Use
the same installation procedure as before, except this time choose not to put