Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

Page 90

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After selecting an Account, Permit, License Number or Truck ID, press
Enter. Now the main weigh form,the Transaction Detail appears.

Transaction Detail Window

The Ticket Number, Date and Time, and Customer Account are locked
fields established from the previous screen.

If the wrong customer account was selected, click Cancel.

Select the appropriate Bill-To Account if different from the Customer
Account. Use the single down arrow next to the Bill-To Account field
to display a list of available account names.

If tare groups are stored for an account, the available fields are enabled
in the Transaction Detail table. For this Weigh In/Weigh Out transac-
tion, it is assumed you will not select one of these stored tares.

If you decide to select a stored tare, click on the single down arrow
next to the tare field to display a list of available tares. If a tare with a
stored weight is selected, you no longer have a Weigh In/Weigh Out
transaction. Turn to the next sections in this chapter of the manual
dealing with stored tares to continue the transaction.

If a truck, container, or trailer tare is selected but shows a 0 stored
weight, the transaction is still treated as Weigh In/Weigh Out.