Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

Page 84

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and Charge of the transaction without changing the Weight In,
Weight Out or Net Weight. When applied to a transaction,
adjustments are made in one percent (1%) increments. The
percent is calculated from the Ticket Weight and applied to the
Charge. The adjusted percent is stored with the completed
transaction ticket and can be viewed using the Quick Scan
feature under the Reporting menu.

Ticket Format File

The Ticket Format File contains information from the database
that is printed on the customer’s ticket. During installation, a
default ticket file was installed for the appropriate application
you selected, Solid Waste or General.

To select a different ticket-format file for the current transaction,
use the down arrow to the right of the Ticket Format File box.
Once the transaction is complete, the default ticket file specified
in Preferences is restored.

NOTE: A custom Ticket Format File can be manually created

with any text editor (such as Windows NotePad or Windows
Write). See Creating Custom-Format Print Tickets in the
Appendix for more information on editing of the ticket file.

Badge Reader Properties

Use the Badge Reader Properties to create a semi-automated
environment. A badge reader device can be used to read a badge
number or identify a truck number. When the badge reader
device reads a magnetic strip or bar code from the badge,
TransAct uses the information to start a transaction. The badge
number used to identify a truck number is stored in the customer
database. When TransAct matches the badge number with the
customer, the customer’s information stored in the computer is
entered into the Weigh table.

When the Auto Store Ticket option is checked, the transaction
automatically is saved once the weight of the scale stabilizes. If
the Auto Print Ticket option is checked, the ticket prints and the
transaction completes automatically.

Returning to the Weigh Window

Click on the Options... button next to the display window or the
Done button to return to the Weigh window. Clicking either