Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual
Page 143

The example below assigns the literal text, “Keyed”, to the Keyed
Weigh In flag.
{Keyed Weigh In “Keyed”}
The word “Keyed” will be printed on the ticket whenever the Keyed
Weight flag condition is met for a transaction.
Let’s work through an example of creating a custom-format ticket file
using literal text, database, and flag fields.
Assume you run the Chippewa
County Landfill. Active Dis-
posal and Recycling trucks are
bringing recycled blacktop into
your facility for stockpiling.
You have the truck ID’s and
tares recorded in your database.
To simplify the tickets, you
want to print only the ticket
number, truck number, net
weight, date/time, material, and
a note for each load. To the right
is the ticket format you want.
To get that ticket format, we’ll use Notepad to create a file called
netonly.gtk. We’ll save that file in the same directory as default.gtk is
stored. We can then select netonly.gtk each time an Active Disposal
and Recycling truck hauling recycled blacktop comes onto the scale.
1. Open Notepad by double-clicking on its icon in the Program Manager
| Accessories.
2. Scroll to the C:\TRANSACT directory and in the List Files of Type
dialog box, select All Files.
3. Scroll down in the list to default.gtk and double-click on it.
Chippewa County Landfill
Ticket: 3842
Active Disposal and Recycling
Time In: 4:32:23 PM
Date In:
Net: 12000
Reclaimed Bituminous
Thanks for Recycling!
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