Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

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Setting Up TransAct

the “default.gtk” file stored in your computer hard drive. The default
ticket has the following format:

Stillson County Landfill

Ticket: 3777

T & J Services
Vehicle: 4
Container: 101
Time In: 04/18/97 11:14:22 AM
Time Out: 04/18/97 11:18:05 AM
In: 7740 lb
Out: 7300 lb
Net: 440 lb = 440.0 lbs
Non-Hazardous Asbestos
@ $0.02 per lb
Total Charge: $8.80
Amount Paid: $0.00

[Special Ticket Info]

[Notes Info]

Printed Weight Ticket with default.gtk Format

Click Save to save the entries and changes.

Click Undo to undo any unsaved changes.

To learn more about editing the ticket file, refer to Creating Custom-
Format Print Tickets
in the Appendix.

Note Headings

TransAct allows the user to establish up to four note lines that can be
used in the Weigh form when creating or completing a transaction.
These notes are printed on the transaction ticket given to the customer.
The followin section allows the user to define the headings used for
each line of note text.

To edit the headings for the notes, select Preferences from the pull-
down Admin... menu. Select Note Headings.