Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

Page 107

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Use the Default Measured Rates boxes at the top of this window to
define default measured rates. Each unit of measure can have a differ-
ent Incoming and Outgoing measured rate. Refer to the headings of the
category item table when defining incoming and outgoing default
measured rates. Default measured rates will be applied to the charge
calculation when the measured rate for individual category items is
$0.0000. Press the Tab key to move from box to box or use the mouse
to place the cursor in the box for editing.

Setting Default Rates for a Category

NOTE: Default measured rates are used to calculate charges
when the measured rate for an item shows $0.0000.

Use the rest of the table to define measured rates for individual cat-
egory items that are different from the default measured rates. Mea-
sured rates, defined for individual category items greater than zero,
will override the system default measured rate.

To enter measured rates for individual category items, click on the
category item, then use the boxes at the bottom of the screen, desig-
nated “Update selected rows here:” to enter measured rates for indi-
vidual category items.

Selecting an Item in a Category

Select the item, then use the Tab key to move the cursor into the first
box. Enter the rates for the selected item, then Tab to the next box.