Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

Page 63

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Setting Up TransAct

To change the filename, press the Tab key until the default filename is
highlighted (or use the mouse to place the cursor in the filename box),
delete the default filename and type in your desired archive filename.

To change back to the default filename, place the cursor in the
filename box and double click.

Click on the Archive button to continue.

Because archiving will alter the database, TransAct recommends
making a backup of the current database prior to archiving. The
following window appears.

Backup Warning

Click Yes to have the backup window automatically open. Once the
backup is complete, archiving continues.

Click No when a backup prior to archiving is not desired. Archiving
automatically continues.

Click Cancel to return to the Archiving TransActions window.

If a filename has been highlighted in the List of archive files or a
duplicate filename typed in the Archive Name box, the following
warning appears.

Duplicate Archive Filename

Click No to return to the archive transactions window.

Click Yes to overwrite the existing filename.