Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual

Page 116

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box and enter the Check Number (if applicable).

Click Save Item.

The status bar at the bottom of the form is provided to help track of the
number of items entered and the total amount entered for the receipt.

After clicking the Save Item button, the Account Balance box is
adjusted, the Amount Paid box is cleared and the check number stays
present in the Check Number box. The status bar increases the item
count and total value.

Select the next category item and amount paid. The check number will
still be present and does not need to be reentered. Click the Save Item
button. Continue entering each item and clicking the Save Item button
after each item. When all items have been entered, click on the Save
button to save the receipt. The Balances/Reconciliation report will list
each receipt by number and all items recorded for the receipt.


A landfill wants to track payments by refuse types. A check
arrives in the mail from one of their customers for $100.00.
$75.00 is payment for residential rubbish and $25.00 is for yard
waste. This payment Transaction would use the multi-item
payment option described above. Item 1 would be $75.00 with
refuse type Residential Rubbish and item 2 would be $25.00
with refuse type Yard Waste. The statement will show a single
payment of $100.

The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the current receipt
number, item number, and the total value of the receipt.

Applying a Credit

Credits are applied the same way payments are applied.

To begin entering credits, select Payments from the Accounting pull-
down menu. When the Payment / Credit Form appears, select Credit
rather than Payment. This action changes several of the entry boxes as
shown below.