Transact software programming support service – Rice Lake TransAct 1.0 User Manual
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TransAct Software Programming Support Service
As a new support program for valued customers, Rice Lake Weighing
Systems now offers field software support if you need additional
technical assistance. Our direct Service Hotline provides access to our
software support staff, and includes a charge for extended software
support. This support should be used for specific technical and con-
figuration assistance.
Before calling Rice Lake Weighing Systems, refer to your software
Installation/Operation manual to:
1. Determine if your system meets the stated minimum hardware
2. Determine if the product has been correctly installed on your PC.
3. Review troubleshooting tips.
If you still have problems after thoroughly reviewing the documenta-
tion, follow these steps:
1. Locate your customer number and the serial number of the
software product.
2. Call our direct access Service Hotline at 715-234-2003 and
request software assistance. Software programming support is
billed at $115.00 list per hour with a minimum service charge of
$20.00 per call.
Note: Warranty support will be provided at no charge for
diskette or program software defects.
3. A technician will assist you with the configuration particulars
and invoice you for the time utilized. For your records, software
support technicians will be on-line with our computer database
to fully describe the service provided and time billed.
We look forward to providing you the highest level of support pos-
sible. If you have any questions on this service, please contact our
Sales or Service Department, or your Regional Sales Director. We’re
sure you’ll find this new service useful in helping you get the most
from your software.