QOMO QRF300 User Manual
Page 53

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period defined. For detail on how to set up the weight, please check the session Course
Grade Set Up.
Note: The weight used for the Course Grade report generation should contain the number of
session types exactly the same as the number of session types included in all sessions selected for
the Course Grade period.
You should select a set of letter grade conversions to finish the configuration before generating the
Course Grade report. The grading period, class name, subject name, and the teacher name work as
filters allowing you to select the sessions used to create the Course Grade report.
To generate a Course Grade report, follow these steps:
1. Under the report window select the Course Grade window tab.
2. Select a class name from the Class drop-down list.
3. Select a subject name from the Subject drop-down list.
4. Select a teacher name from the Teacher drop-down list.
5. Select a grading period from the Grading Period drop-down list.
6. Enter the Course Grade book name in the Subject Grade text box