Basic operation, Main switch, Shutter button – Canon EOS D30 User Manual

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Basic Operation

Main Switch

The camera operates only after the Main Switch is set to


(ON); Set to this position when the camera is in use.

(OFF): The camera does not operate.

Set to this position when not using the oamera.

To save battery power, the camera automatically turns off if you do not operate it

for approximately one minute (Auto power off funotion). To use the oamera again,

press the shutter button down halfway, or set the Main Switoh to

(OFF) and then

set it to

(ON) again. You can use the Menu functions to set the Auto power off

funotion to 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, or 30 minutes, or Off. (->-121)

If you set the Main Switoh to

(OFF) immediately you take a picture, the access

lamp may blink for a few seconds so that the image is recorded onto the OF oard.

The access lamp will go off when the image has been reoorded onto the OF oard

and the oamera will turn off automatically.










Shutter Button

The shutter button has two stages. You can press it down halfway or fully. The two levels of

shutter button operation are as follows:

(1) Half press ((2)4 )
Pressing the shutter button down halfway activates autofocusing

(AF) and focuses the camera, and also activates the automatic
exposure mechanism and sets the shutter speed and aperture

The exposure (the oombination of shutter speed and aperture
value) appears on the LCD panel and in the viewfinder.

(2) Full press

This releases the shutter and takes the picture.


This camera has been designed so that taking pictures is given priority over

other operations. Unless the internal memory is full, you will always be able to

take pictures immediately by pressing the shutter button down.

Regardless of the oamera status (playback in progress, menu selection in

progress, image reoording in progress, etc.), you oan return to shooting mode
immediately by pressing the shutter button down halfway.