Above event trigger, Below event trigger, Audit and raslog messages – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 35: Figure 2, Above e

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Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide



Threshold triggers


Above event trigger

Set the Above event trigger for an element that requires only high threshold monitoring. In the
Above event trigger, Fabric Watch triggers an event immediately after the data value becomes
greater than the high threshold.

Define a buffer zone within the operational limit of an area to suppress multiple events when the
counter value goes above the high threshold and fluctuates around it. The next event will not occur
until the counter value falls below the buffer zone created by the high threshold.

Figure 2

shows an

Above event trigger with a buffer zone. The Above event trigger occurs when the counter crosses
the high threshold (event 1 in

Figure 2

). When the data value becomes less than the high threshold

and buffer value, Fabric Watch triggers a second event (Event 2) to indicate that it has returned to
normal operation. The second event will not be triggered until the counter value falls below the high
threshold and buffer values.


Above event trigger with buffer zone

Below event trigger

The Below event trigger generates an event when a data value becomes less than the low
threshold boundary.

When a buffer is defined, the event will be triggered only when the value goes below the lower
threshold. A second event will not be generated until the value crosses the buffer region set above
the lower threshold.

Audit and RASlog messages

Fabric Watch generates an Audit message along with a RASlog message when the current
threshold exceeds the high threshold limit configured for the following thresholds:

SCSI reservation

Class 3 discards (C3TXT0)

Switch memory usage

Switch flash usage

Switch CPU usage