Installing protection agents behind a firewall, Installing, Protection agents behind a firewall – Dell PowerVault DP600 User Manual
Page 45

a DPM server.
If any of the servers you selected are clustered servers, an additional Choose Restart
Method page appears that allows you to select the method you will use to restart the
clustered servers.
You must install the protection agent on all nodes of the server cluster to successfully
protect the clustered data. The servers must be restarted before you can start protecting
data. Because of the time required to start services, it might take a few minutes after a
restart is complete before DPM can contact the server.
DPM will not restart a server that belongs to Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS).
You must manually restart a server in an MSCS cluster.
7. On the Summary page, click Install to begin the installation.
8. On the Installation page, the results appear on the Task tab to indicate whether the
installation is successful. You can click Close before the wizard is finished performing the
tasks, and then monitor the installation progress in DPM Administrator Console on
the Agents tab in the Management task area.
If the installation is unsuccessful, you can view the alerts in the Monitoring task area on
the Alerts tab.
After you install a protection agent on a backend server to protect a Windows SharePoint
Services farm, the server will not appear as protected in the Management task area on
the Agents tab. However, DPM protects the back end server internally if the Windows
SharePoint Services farm has data on the server.
Installing Protection Agents behind a Firewall
If you want to install protection agents on computers that reside behind a firewall, DPM provides
an executable file named DPM2007\Agents\DPMAgentInstaller.exe that performs the following:
• Installs the protection agent prerequisites and the DPM protection agent.
• Configures the target computer to receive commands from the specified DPM server name.
• Configures the firewall to allow communication to come in.
If you are using a language other than English, you can select the localized agent
installer from DPM2007\Agents\
To install a protection agent on a server behind a firewall
1. On the computer on which you want to install the protection agent, from the Windows
command prompt, from the DPM2007\Agents folder, type DpmAgentInstaller.exe