1 product description – Bio-Rad Experion DNA Analysis Kits User Manual
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1.1 Product Description
The Experion DNA 1K and 12K analysis kits are used for DNA analysis with the Experion automated
electrophoresis system (Figure 1.1). The Experion system employs LabChip microfluidic technology to
automate electrophoresis and analysis by integrating separation, detection, and data analysis within a
single platform. Using much smaller sample and reagent quantities than standard analysis methods, the
Experion automated electrophoresis system can be used both upstream and downstream of a number
of nucleic acid and protein applications.
The Experion DNA 1K and DNA 12K analysis kits allow analysis of DNA fragments of 15–1,500 bp and
50–17,000 bp, respectively. These DNA assays provide high sensitivity and excellent resolution (down
to 5 bp) over a broad dynamic range (Table 1.1). Consuming only 1 µl of sample for each analysis, the
Experion automated system can analyze 1–11 samples in ~40 min. These assays are recommended
for rapid, efficient analysis of restriction digests, amplified DNA, microsatellites, and amplified fragment
length polymorphisms (AFLPs).
For details about how the Experion DNA analysis kits analyze DNA, refer to Appendix A in this manual.
Fig . 1 .1 . The Experion system . The system includes the following components: 1) automated electrophoresis
station, 2) priming station, 3) vortex station used for nucleic acid analysis only, 4) system operation and data analysis
tools (software), and 5) analysis kits, which include the (a) chips and (b) reagents for protein (Pro260 kit), standard-
sensitivity RNA (StdSens kit), high-sensitivity RNA (HighSens kit), and DNA (DNA 1K and 12K kits) analyses.
Register your Experion system to ensure you receive important updates on software, tech notes,
and manuals. Upon installation, a dialog provides registration instructions.
Experion Automated Electrophoresis System