Great Plains V-300F Operator Manual User Manual

Page 35

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Refer to Figure 37


Place the crank handle on the right-hand con-
tact drive shaft and turn the crank several
times to fill seed meters. Turn crank until seed
drops from each seed meter. Slide seed cali-
bration tray to the right until it reaches the
stop. Tilt tray down and use brush or rag to re-
move seed. Place tray back under meter and
secure in place.


Turn crank on contact-wheel shaft counter-
clockwise 32 revolutions for 1/100 hectare
seeding rate. While turning, check that the
seed meters have plenty of seed coming into
them. (For a more accurate calibration it is
recommended to lower drill to planting posi-
tion. Drive forward a short distance so meters
fill with seed. Empty calibration tray into a
container. Place tray back under meter and
secure in place. Drive forward a measured
distance of 33.3 meters.)


Weigh metered seed, subtracting container
weight. Multiply weight by 100 to determine
total kilograms per hectare seeded. If this fig-
ure is different than desired, adjust seed-rate
handle accordingly.


When through with calibration, use the crank
handle to rotate the calibration shaft index
collar to the left.

NOTE: Decals located next to calibration shaft in-
dex collars indicate proper rotation for calibration
and field operation.

10. Remove crank handle and re-engage the fer-

tilizer drive sprocket.

NOTE: You may want to repeat the calibration pro-
cedure if your results vary greatly from the seed-
rate chart.

11. When drilling, check seeding rate by noting

hectares drilled, amount of seed added to drill
and seed level in seed box. If you are seeding
more or less than desired, adjust rate slightly
to compensate for field conditions.

NOTE: When calibration is complete it is recom-
mended to remove the calibration tray, turn end-
for-end, rotate up-side-down and place it back un-
der the meter. This will keep moisture from col-
lecting in tray.

Figure 37

Crank Handle