Ultra-cut 100 xt – Tweco 100 Ultra-Cut Plasma Cutting System with Automated Gas Control User Manual
Page 81
Manual 0-5303
Renaming Custom Files
You cannot rename the files while on the TSC 3000 but once you backup a file on the flash drive you can use a com-
puter to rename the file on the flash drive and perform the restore to put the renamed file back on the TSC 3000.
1. Use Windows Explorer to find the folder TD in the root directory of the flash drive. Then find and open the
folder CustomFiles. Here you will find all the custom processes saved.
Art # A-09236
2. Use Windows Rename to change the file name to whatever you want. Do not change the file extension (.cus)
or the file number in the brackets!
Suggest not making the name too long as the TSC 3000 screen is limited in
the number characters on one line. Here I’ve renamed the top file.
Art # A-09237
3. Now put the flash drive with the renamed file back into the TSC 3000 and perform the file restore.
�. Go back to the Home screen. You will find your new file name (John Doe’s) and the old name with the same file
number [20392]. They are the same process, either one will work. You can delete the file with the old name if
you don’t want both of them showing.