Kenco Engineering SmartSonic Transmitter (Remote) User Manual

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Mounting the Sensor to a Flange

1.) Feed the free end of the sensor cable through the 1” NPT threaded connection on the flange. Feed the cable from

the process side of the flange

2.) Keep feeding the cable until the sensor threads are touching the inside of the flange. Screw the sensor threads into

the 1” NPT threaded connection on the flange.

3.) Bolt the flange to the top of the tank. Use a soft gasket.

Mounting the Transmitter (Electronics)

1.) Drill (2) holes, 2.75” apart, onto the desired mounting surface. Install (2) screws into these holes.

2.) Attach the mounting plate to the SmartSonic, using the (4) screws provided.

3.) Mount the SmartSonic onto the desired mounting surface, using the slotted holes on the mounting plate and the (2)

screws on the desired mounting surface from Step #1.

It is recommended that conduit be installed onto the ½” NPT connections (C1 thru C4) on the electronics
housing. Seal drain fittings should be used to prevent moisture from entering the transmitter. In high humidity
areas, use breather drains to minimize moisture intrusion.

All wiring, conduit, and fittings must conform to local electrical codes for the location selected. If the transmitter is to be
used in a Hazardous Area, the applicable sections of the National Electric Code must be followed as well.