Kenco Engineering SmartSonic Transmitter (Remote) User Manual
Page 4

Page 4
Ensure that the sensor is mounted in an area that meets the stated temperature, pressure and technical
Ensure that high voltage (ac) sources or cables are at least 1 yard away from the sensor and its cable.
Installation and Operation of this transmitter must conform to the National Electric Code and any applicable local
Direct Mounting of the Sensor to the Tank
1.) Open the top of the tank
2.) Feed the free end of the sensor cable from the inside of the tank, through the 1” NPT coupling attached to the top
of the tank (customer supplied).
3.) Keep feeding the cable until the sensor threads are touching the coupling. Screw the sensor threads into the
The transmitter must
be mounted in such a
way, as to avoid the
process fluid level from
entering the Dead
If the level enters the
Dead Zone, an error
will occur, and the
transmitter will not
measure the fluid level
While the narrow wave
diameter of the Kenco
Acoustic Wave
Transmitters allows
you to mount the
sensor closer to the
vessel wall, than other
Ultrasonic transmitters,
it is recommended to
mount the sensor at
least 1.64 feet away
from the wall.
The sensor needs to
be mounted as far
away as possible from
processes that can
interfere with the
Acoustic Wave. This
example shows a fluid
filling inlet.
The sensor must be
mounted perpendicular
with the process fluid
level. Even the
slightest mounting off
perpendicular will affect
the measurement.
Anything over 4º will
usually result in a loss
of echo or at the very
least, an inaccurate