5 create blank correction, Create blank correction, 5create blank correction – Metrohm Vision – Diagnostics User Manual
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Create Blank Correction
This option is applicable only to the XDS Rapid Liquid Analyzer. Refer to the XDS Rapid Liquid
Analyzer Installation and User Manual (PN 720-750-1300) for further details.
The option of “Blank Correction” provides an optimum photometric match between XDS Rapid Liquid
Analyzers. This must be selected in Project Options. A software algorithm applies the correction to
each spectrum automatically.
Blank Correction has been shown to substantially minimize slight photometric differences between
XDS Rapid Liquid Analyzers, permitting simplified transfer of equations from one instrument to
another. It must be applied for each cuvette size that is being used, as the correction is based on the
spacer for a given cuvette.
Select “Create Blank Correction” from the menu. Vision gives on-screen, step-by-step instructions for
the creation.
The menu selection for Blank Correction is available when the option is selected in This Project’s
Options, and the Data Collection Method (DCM) has the Blank Correction box checked. This is
explained under Reference Standardization and Project Options.
Upon selection of Blank Correction from the
Diagnostics menu, Vision takes an instrument
reference. Next, this dialog box prompts the
user to remove any cuvettes, and verify
placement of the proper spacer.
When instructed, insert the correct spacer into
the sample drawer and tighten the knurled knob
fully. Be sure to use the right spacer for the
cuvette size, or the Blank Correction will give the
wrong spectral correction.
Click “OK” when the spacer is in position. Vision
will scan the sample area.
After the sample area is scanned, a dialog box
prompts that Vision is ready to plot the Blank
Correction. Click “OK” to proceed.