Metrohm Vision – Diagnostics User Manual

Page 28

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Before Reference Standardization begins Vision
must establish the instrument configuration and
have it verified by the user. This assures that test
data is sent to the correct location in the
Diagnostic Database.

This screen is shown:

If the Sample Module Serial Number field is
empty, locate the sample module serial number
on the side or back of the module. Record the
serial number and enter it in this field.

Click “OK” to accept the instrument

Vision requests that the user place the ceramic
reference into position. If working with the RCA
or XDS RCA, make sure the cover is closed after
placing reference standard in position.

Click on “OK”. The status bar indicates scan

Vision requests that the Certified 80%
Reflectance Reference be placed in the sampling
area. For consistency, place the standard with
the calibration label parallel to the holder (RCA
and Sample Transport or other straight line
inside the module.

Note the position of the Certified Reflectance Standard and always use this position.

Place the standard, and click on “OK”.

The Certified 80% Reflectance Reference has been run on the Metrohm master reflectance
instrument. After it is created and loaded, the information is used to apply a correction to the
instrument reference.

Vision requests the Standard File for the Certified 80%
Reflectance Reference. This file is on the diskette or CD
packed with the standards, and may be copied to the
Vision directory for ease of use, as shown here.

The file is named “RSSxxxxx.da”. Click on the file, and then
click “Open”.