CommScope ATC200-LITE-USB User Manual
Page 5
ATC200-LITE-USB Teletilt
RET System
Bulletin 639536 • Revision L
Electric Static Discharge (ESD) can damage or
destroy the hardware equipment used for the ATC200-
LITE-USB Teletilt
System. ESD can occur during
handling of equipment without the user feeling a shock.
The following precautions should be taken to prevent
1. Wear an ESD wrist strap (Figure 1) and/or use a
test lead (ground), such as a single-wire conductor
with a series resistance of 1 megohm equipped with
alligator clips on each end. In using a ground, one
end of the alligator clip is connected to a grounded
equipment frame and the other end of the alligator
clip is touched with a bare hand.
2. Other precautions the user may take to reduce the
risk of ESD are:
• avoid wearing clothing that conducts static
electricity, such as wool
• remove all jewelry
• avoid handling equipment during an electrical storm
3. Before opening a package containing an electrostatic unit or an electrostatic sensitive device/
assembly, clip the free end of a test lead to the package. Leave the other end connected to the
equipment frame or other ESD ground. This will cause any static electricity which may have built
up on the package to discharge. Keep the unit package grounded during removal or placement of
equipment in the package.
4. Minimize handling of ESDS (Electric Static Discharge Sensitive) equipment. Keep replacement
equipment in the electrostatic-free packaging (with ground established between packaging and
equipment frame) until needed. Repairable ESD equipment should be placed in the electrostatic-
free packaging (with ground connecting package to equipment frame) upon removal from ATC200-
LITE-USB system. ESD equipment should only be transported and stored in ESD protective
5. Always avoid unnecessary movement of body, such as scuffing feet across flooring, when handling
ESDS equipment. Such movement will generate additional charges of static electricity.
Figure 1. ESD Wrist Strap.
It is very important to disconnect the
ATC200-LITE-USB controller from
the system after each use to prevent
permanent damage to the system.